Thursday, August 04, 2005

First Daze Here... first post!

Yes, I've lept onto the blogger bandwagon...just like most of the rest of the world. And for the same reasons, I suppose, as anyone else...sometimes, your head gets full of stuff and you have to do something with it. Since things are so fast-paced and centered around hedonistic self-gratification, let me just say that this somewhat trendy concept of blogging fits right in with everything that's happening right now in the world that's passing us by each day.

Who am I...those of you who know me, aren't asking this question...but may learn a bit more about me (or, specifically, the stuff that's in my head) by reading this HTML drivel. Those of you who don't know in the world did you get here? I won't be boring the internet community with a self-flagellating bio; you'll have to pick through these bits and pieces to figure out who I am...and once you've got it figured out, drop me a line, I need to be reminded sometimes...

Either way, thanks for stopping by...whether you know me or not.

I intend to share information, useless or otherwise, on a regular basis (during lunchtime, more or less). And, I'm serious about the lack of secret messages.

More to add later...and then some.

ja matta!

(photo: myself and my good friend ULTRAMAN, Tokyo 2002; the best summer of my LIFE...)


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